Radiant Energy
Ride the Waves
In a Flash

Radiant energy is a form of electromagnetic energy. It can take the form of visible waves – which is what we call light energy.
Radiant energy
Radiant energy is a form of electromagnetic energy. It can take the form of visible waves – which is what we call light energy – or invisible waves such as radio waves or x-rays.
As the charges that cause the energy are moving, electrical energy is a form of kinetic energy.
Lightning, batteries and even electric eels are examples of electrical energy in action!
Burning Questions
What is radiant energy?
Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves. These waves can travel through space.
Electromagnetic radiation is made up of tiny particles called photons – think of them as little packets of energy.
Light energy is a form of radiant energy that is visible to the human eye.
Does the Sun produce radiant energy?
Yes, the Sun produces a lot of radiant energy, which is transmitted to Earth as light.
Plants convert the electromagnetic energy in sunlight into chemical energy for their food, through a process called photosynthesis.

Waves of radiant electromagnetic energy can be visible or invisible.
What is light energy?
Light is a visible form of radiant energy that travels in waves. It is the only form of energy that can be seen by the human eye.
Aside from the Sun, light energy is given off by other stars, light bulbs, lasers and hot objects. Light energy is very useful, as it helps us to see the world around us.
Light energy is also very fast – in fact, nothing travels faster!
What are some examples of radiant energy?
The electromagnetic waves that transmit radiant energy can come in all sorts of forms. Light waves are the only type we can see with our eyes.
Here are some examples of radiant energy:


Solar cells*


Radiant heating systems
*Solar cells or panels convert radiant energy from the sun into electricity.
What Do You Mean?

Short electromagnetic waves contain more energy than long ones.
Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves.
Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves.
Light energy is a type of radiant energy that can be seen by the human eye.
The Sun is the closest star to the planet Earth and radiates light energy.
Speedy Summary

Lightning is a flash of bright light in the sky that is created by an electrical discharge moving between clouds or from clouds to the ground.
Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves. These waves can travel through space and include light waves – the only kind that are visible to humans.
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